Introducing Scotland’s Future Series

Throughout its long history, the University of St Andrews has been at the heart of events that have shaped Scotland. The coming years will be crucial to the discussion and debate about Scotland’s Future and it is important that we continue to play our role in helping to shape informed, respectful and productive discussion and debate.

The Scotland’s Future Series will demonstrate the University’s commitment to playing an active role in developing Scotland’s future by enabling our staff and students to contribute to and facilitate wider discussions. It will also enable the University to take a position of ideas leadership on how to meet the challenges of the future.

The University has created a £35,000 fund to showcase the work of our staff and students to support projects to enhance discussion and debate on issues pertinent to Scotland’s future. Projects can be wide ranging, from think-pieces that could be developed into research papers at a later date, to hosting events and other engagement highlighting the work of staff and students to outside audiences.

Project applications for funding up to £3,500 per application will be awarded through two annual call processes.

The Martinmas Semester funding round is now closed.

Details of the next funding round will be announced in due course.